Archive for the ‘expressive paintings’ Tag

The Dumbfounded Elect   Leave a comment

I explored this idea with art long ago when I was a child. If I believed my nostalgic memory of my creations it may be that I did it better then. The story of Noah’s Ark and the flood intrigued me in ways it possibly shouldn’t have at that point in my life. I saw […]

Triumphant Submission   Leave a comment

24″ wide x 18″ high acrylic on stretched canvas. The title is Triumphant Submission. When I started it I had something in mind of a sexual rapture… It ended up sitting unfinished for 6 days between my first and second painting sessions on it though, and I guess my mood had changed so the painting […]

To still the rush of time   Leave a comment

This one is 18″ wide x 24″ high on stretched canvas. Getting a little whimsical with my blending of surreal symbolism and expressionistic playfulness I guess. Anyways… You can get prints of this painting HERE. I recommend a canvas print for this one.

Posted April 2, 2023 by Aarron in Random Paintings

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Monk-E   Leave a comment

I’m not exactly sure what I was going for here. Is it now? Is it the future? The youth of America are living in a childhood of uncertainty right now. They are blessed with lives of ease compared to any generation before them… abundant food, cell phones in their pocket that give them access to […]

Inflaming Fervency   Leave a comment

Another lovely painting from my Two Moons series of semi-abstract sensual paintings. Inflaming Fervency is the title for this. When painting it I had no idea of what to call it. I was just going with a feeling. I wanted it to express something I couldn’t really even put perfect words with. Hot desire, tantalization, […]

Nourishing Essentia   Leave a comment

Another painting from my Two Moons Painting Series. This one really took on a life of it’s own as I created it. Zero planning, just a feeling. Emotions, thoughts, feelings… they can never be fully expressed with words. The words don’t always exist. They can however sometimes be better expressed visually. Abstract art is the […]

Hither Huginn Thither Muninn   2 comments

Hither Huginn Thither Muninn is the title of this painting. It is an expressive representational work concerning the comings and goings of Odin’s ravens which were named Huginn and Muninn. The painting is 24″ wide x 30″ high. Hugin and Munin fly each day over the spacious earth.I fear for Hugin, that he come not […]