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Random Cubist Raven Tattoo   Leave a comment

It’s a random cubist raven tattoo.No particular reason to post it except I thought I should post something for some reason today. This was the first tattoo that popped up in the file I opened. I did a few of these recently. I enjoy them. They look cool, and I dig ravens and crows. Most […]

Posted July 22, 2024 by Aarron in Tattoos by Aarron

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Lucky Horseshoes   Leave a comment

You can get an idea of the size of these tattoo designs by comparing them with the pencils I used to draw them up and the sheet of paper, which is a standard sheet of paper used in a printer. They can be in color or black and grey. Go Here = to find out the reason for […]

Posted July 18, 2024 by Aarron in Uncategorized

Four Leaf Clover   Leave a comment

You can get an idea of the size of these tattoo designs by comparing them with the pen and pencils I used to draw them up. They can be in color or black and grey. Go Here = to find out the reason for the Get Lucky tattoo project. You can have these up to full size or go […]

Posted May 7, 2024 by Aarron in Uncategorized

Time For Luck

I have had VERY bad luck since 2020. Each year is worse than the last. A constant downward spiral.I’m a superstitious guy too.I had a dream 2 days ago. That is 4/19/24 if we must put a date to it.In that dream, I talked to Lady Luck herself and she said “What you give you […]

Posted April 21, 2024 by Aarron in Uncategorized

Lucky Rabbits Feet   2 comments

These tattoo designs are each about the size of a business card.Go Here = to find out the reason for the Get Lucky tattoo project. When I was young, rabbit’s feet were a popular thing dyed in various colors that people would carry around with them. You can have these in any color you wish […]

Posted April 21, 2024 by Aarron in Uncategorized

A blue Horse.   Leave a comment

This is 9″ wide X 12″ high on paper. Painted with acrylic paints. Prints of this Blue Horse painting can be had HERE. Think it is around page 3 or so, I am too lazy to actually go to the site so I’m using that as an excuse to make you look at lots of […]

Posted January 21, 2024 by Aarron in Random Paintings

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Logging Truck and style/technique blah blah   Leave a comment

This is a few months old at photo time and I probably shoulda lotioned it before taking the pic. It serves it’s purpose though. Logging Truck obviously, cool one to do. Not very big. Totally liked doing it and glad I got to see the healed version. No grey washing on this, all was done […]

Posted January 17, 2024 by Aarron in Tattoos by Aarron, Yabber Jabber Blabber

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