Archive for the ‘random tattoo phone pics’ Tag

The Punisher    Leave a comment

The Punisher  (Francis “Frank” Castle) is one of my favorite Marvel characters. Basically, he’s an anti-hero… usually cast as an Italian-American, but not always… hardcore vigilante who employs mega violence to fight crime. This makes him a colossal criminal himself, but… he punishes the guilty. He’s ex-military / ex-cop… got crazy after his wife and […]

Posted July 9, 2023 by Aarron in Tattoos by Aarron

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TMNT Raphael Mash Up Tattoo   Leave a comment

I wish I’d taken a pic before I added Snake Eyes, Casy Jones, Shredder, and Storm Shadow. It was a great stand-alone piece before the additions, but I rarely take pics of my stuff anymore so I forgot. Not that I don’t like the additions, as a matter of fact… Arnold Bernid “Casey” Jones is […]

Posted July 2, 2023 by Aarron in Tattoos by Aarron

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Owl   Leave a comment

Hoot Hoot

Posted June 8, 2023 by Aarron in Tattoos by Aarron

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Cancel Culture and houseplants   Leave a comment

Here I write this on the day 0f 3/26/2023… sitting in a chair in the good ole USA… Home of the free… Free? Hmm, I don’t know how well that is going. The land of “FREE SPEACH” is oozing over with a thing called cancel culture. Basically, this “cancel culture” has turned into a serious […]

Posted March 26, 2023 by Aarron in Tattoos by Aarron

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Sasquatch NW   Leave a comment

Just before the dreaded Covid 19 appeared and took over the planet I got involved in the donut business with my son. Sasquatch Donuts in Port Angeles, Wa. We bought an existing donut place that wasn’t doing well and set about making the donuts great … and just 2 months in the Covid thing happened. […]

Posted January 13, 2023 by Aarron in Tattoos by Aarron

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Amur leopards   Leave a comment

This tattoo is of focuses on the Amur leopard. Amur leopards are one of the coolest cats in existence and very endangered. So endangered that not even a hundred of these critters exist in the wild anymore. Though these guys once inhabited vast lands spread throughout China, Korea, Russia, and Japan, their last remaining viable […]

Colorful Gladiolus Tattoo   Leave a comment

This tattoo picture was taken at a local market (Country Aire in Port Angeles) which is less than a block from Red Region Tattoos where I do all my skin doodles. I was cruising the isles with my bestie and noticed her tattoo. I had no pics of it so thought “photo opportunity” and clicked off a […]