Impromptu baptism of the vestally reserved   Leave a comment

Impromptu baptism of the vestally reserved is the title of this one. I painted it really fast while the hand of inspiration held me. It is an acrylic on canvas painting measuring 18″ wide x 24″ high. Salaciousness and passion can overwhelm the logical mind sometimes and lead to extemporaneous actions between people. These times are often our greatest moments of connection and lead us to a closeness we otherwise would have missed out on.

Though this particular piece happens to have a lot of importance to me I don’t have much I’d like to really say about this artwork as I’d rather leave it up to your imagining.

Impromptu baptism of the vestally reserved painting

Prints of the original painting can be had HERE.

and prints of a really awesome digital remix I did can be found HERE in both high quality art print style and lower cost poster style which still look pretty darn sweet.

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