Missing clients   Leave a comment

I’m on a roll with my random tattoo phone pics.

Every once and a while a tattoo client disappears or takes a big break from getting tattooed. Sometimes they are mid process in larger pieces when they disappear.
Marriages, new kids, job changes, money, and lifestyle interests are all common factors as to why this happens.
Sometimes they are gone from the client roister for a few months, sometimes years. Sometimes time goes by and I assume they are going to be unfinished forever. I’ve had people show up after 15+ years to finish stuff up after not hearing from them even once.
It is weird to me because I would go nuts having a half done large piece on me for even six months without working on it.
Everyone is different though.
So… what brought that bit of missing clients babble on?
A few pics I found while hunting for a reference photo I’d taken of another person a few years ago.
Some pics in a file of some flowery stuff. At first I didn’t even recognize the work, but then I remembered.
A missing sleeve client who had all in one swoop a job change, lifestyle change, martial status change, and a brush with cancer. Talk about not having tattoos on the mind.
Yet… it has been 4 years since I worked on this particular sleeve. She is if I recall correctly about 1/3 done with the work. I’m not sure as I only had lower arm images in that file and don’t remember what is going on up top. I do know it was all spread around so she may be more done than a third of the way.
I usually only take reference photos for the area I next plan to work on. They allow me to contemplate my next move and be ready for the session.
Here is a lower arm/elbow shot.
partial floral sleeve completion photo 1
Here is the inside forearm pic that went with it.
partially done floral sleeve pic inner forearm
I dig tattooing floral stuff. It is fun because of the colors and whatnot.
Hopefully this arm will show back up to get tattooed again someday.
Unlike many clients who have disappeared over the years I know this girl personally outside of work a bit. I don’t see her, but have friends and family that do. She still has a lot on her life table in general. I’m guessing it will be a while, but hopefully not 10 years.

Photo Note:
The file I found these in was from a download I did when I was between phones. As in I broke my phone and was using my really old/first camera phone. The lower arm area was I am guessing about two years old when these photos were taken as we had worked up top the last few sessions and her sessions were spread apart a ways.
When getting larger works some people cram sessions in as fast as possible and get stuff done very fast, but many people work away at large pieces for years. The primary factors that come into play are 1) expense and budgeting 2) available time 3) pain threshold
Unlimited money, lots of free time, and the ability to sit for all day sessions under a needle make things go pretty fast. Most people (including my self) are not so lucky to have all three factors going in their favor.

Posted April 16, 2014 by Aarron in Tattoos by Aarron

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