Bubble Wrap   Leave a comment

Some more ink with watercolors here.
This one was a pretty quick and simple ink sketch I did with just a tad of watercolor paint washed in to flesh it out.

Bubble Wrap Erotic art drawing with watercolor and ink

The idea was sex on bubble wrap. I went with a point of view blowjob type deal simply because that is pretty much my own personal thing. I am way more into the oral than anything.
Bubble wrap is a not so common, but very real fetish some people have.
They like to roll on it, be wrapped in it, and even in some cases have sex through it.
I figure it is kinda like a comfort thing. (that is my own theory)
It probably stems from some sort of comfort given by simply popping bubbles in bubble wrap when young. I don’t know. A lot of fetishes seem like they push at safe places from childhood to me.
Anyways, bubble wrap warms up fast, it is soft, curves to the body, and yes… pops as you move around on it. If you decide to try it, I suggest about 6 to 8 layers of bubble wrap below you as a bubble wrap mattress to have optimal comfort. (depends on bubble size obviously) It goes on the floor, not your bed. If you put it on the bed it doesn’t pop as you move around.
It really isn’t my thing to tell the truth, but I am in general pretty much game for most anything if it doesn’t set off my “that will hurt,” or my “that is gross” alarms.
I have in my life only met one girl who was way into the bubble wrap thing. I have met two others that thought it a cool fun thing to do sometimes, but it wasn’t a true fetish for them. I’ve also done it a couple times with others because of their having simple curiosity or thinking it sounded fun/interesting.
The image above looks nothing like any of them.
When I am not aiming towards the look of a certain person I often go with the look of my wife because I see her the most often. She is the easiest to visualize in my mind. That is what I did here. When I sent her the image she actually joked “you got my nose right.” So it was obviously recognizable to her as herself and if you follow my blog you will know that a positive comment in regards to my drawing/sketching/painting her nose is amazing. This made me very happy because the ink sketch was so dang simple and fast. I spent ZERO time fleshing and detailing the piece and it still held great representation of the intended subject. If you are not a visual artist you may not understand why that is cool, but the basic idea is this… The more work you need do to represent something/someones specific the more you struggled. The less you need to do to get that specific representation the more successful you have been.
It is easy to draw a simple figure with just a few lines, but to draw a particular person with those same few lines is not so simple at all.

So, there you have it. A quick and simple bit of naughty art done with ink and watercolors.
It is pretty, clean, and fun, yet still naughty sexy.
If I ever decide to do a graphic novel, this will possibly be the treatment I give the art for it. It looks like a perfect amount of detail for such a project. On the other hand… It is easy to make mistakes that require one to toss the whole deal and start over when drawing like this. We shall see. I have been toying with the idea lately.

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