Cascade Of Imagination   Leave a comment

Ever get lost in your fantasy?
I bet you have.

When I started this piece I was thinking of a woman waking in the morning from a sexual and most likely romantic dream.
I imagined her taking herself to that perfect climax where it becomes a rush and for a split second nothing else exists except for her perfect fantasy moment and the sensations flowing through her body like a huge waterfall.

Cascade Of Imagination Erotic Painting By Aarron Laidig
(click the pic to see it larger)

As I worked on the painting though my thoughts strayed into other realms of how women sometimes fantasize so differently than a majority of men.
In general men are more visual and set up basic scenarios to play out their fantasies while women often have a much more complex scenario of what is going on and how the situation came to happen.
They will often fantasize about the emotional state and the feelings they have or their lover may have for them.
Men do this too of course, but in general it is much less.

How this affected the painting is that I changed styles mid-stride. I started going with a bit of a more romantic look and even played off a bit of the style I used to use many years ago for commercial work.
Blending styles and techniques in that way with what I more commonly do now was actually easy.
It went smoothly and allowed me to add a bit of a romanticism to the art I otherwise would not have been able to do I think.

What once was to be a painting of just a visual masturbation scene with a focus on orgasm through a raging waterfall (it had a different working title too) became more of a piece on the total process.
No longer did it seem just that, but more. It captured in a sense the totality of the experience.
The rush of the imagination itself as it sweeps her away into a state of bliss.

Posted February 21, 2013 by Aarron in Erotic Paintings

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